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Essentials of Conscious Capitalism: Stakeholder Orientation

  • April 30, 2025
  • 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
  • Virtual Zoom Gathering



Discovering and Amplifying
Stakeholder Orientation

What is Conscious Capitalism all about? Is it a methodology or a set of practices or a philosophy? Perhaps a bit of all three.

Elevating humanity through business begins with knowing why your company exists. Businesses should exist for reasons beyond just making a profit. Conscious Capitalism sees profit as a necessary means to achieving your purpose - not as an end in and of itself. 

Let’s engage together to explore the essentials of the movement. Stakeholder Orientation is the second in a four-part series of interactive, online sessions to look at Conscious Capitalism and the four tenets that define it.

In this session we will explore the tenet Stakeholder Orientation and the value derived when companies operate with their entire business ecosystems in mind, meaning they concentrate on optimizing equal value for all of their stakeholders: customers, employees, suppliers, investors, shareholders, funders, communities, and the environment.

Participation in all four sessions in not required - jump in where you’re most interested.

FREE to Chicago Chapter members

$40 for a Single Session
$100.00 includes an Individual membership for one year and admission to the remaining 3 sessions