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Essentials of Conscious Capitalism - An Introduction

  • February 11, 2021
  • 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
  • Virtual Zoom Gathering


  • Registration includes 1yr. Friend of Chapter membership.
  • Event registration plus 1yr. Individual membership
  • Limit to one guest per member per event.

Registration is closed

What is Conscious Capitalism all about? Is it a methodology or a set of practices or a philosophy? Perhaps a bit of all three.

Let’s engage together to explore the essentials of the movement. Starting in February, the Chicago Chapter will be offering a five-part series of interactive, online sessions to look at Conscious Capitalism and the four tenets that define it. Join us for all of five sessions, or jump in where you’re most interested.

In the first session, ‘Introduction to the Essentials of Conscious Capitalism’ Together, we’ll explore what Conscious Capitalism is – and what it’s not.

Beyond this introductory session, we’ll do a deeper dive on the four tenets with a session devoted to each in April, June, September and November. Please register for each session you plan to attend. Click here to learn more.

FREE to Chicago Chapter members.
$25.00 includes a Friend of the Chapter membership for one year. 
$100.00 includes an Individual membership for one year. 

Click here to learn about membership categories and benefits. 

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Conscious Capitalism - Chicago

Chicago, Illinois
