I work from home, and recently I experienced a week of utter disruption in concentration, focus, and flow. The house next door was being demolished to make room for a new home for the new owners.
All day long I would hear the sound and the vibration of bulldozers as they plowed
into the back of the house, of pounding on the roof as they disconnected the house being demolished from the one that I live in, and of bricks falling as they ripped the house apart piece by piece.
Then… silence. In a week’s time, a house that took who knows how long to build and lasted for over a hundred years was gone, demolished. A house that had once been someone’s home and provided many memories and occasions… no longer in existence. All that remained was a large hole in the ground where the old house once stood – and where the vision of the new home to be built was now a possibility. Fresh ground awaiting a new foundation to be poured. And in three weeks that new foundation has already been poured, and you can see the makings of an entirely new house rising from the ground.
As I observed all of this occurring, it dawned on me that the destruction of the old and building of something new is such an apt metaphor for what’s required of each of us to become conscious leaders today.