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Conscious Capitalism Chicago Blog

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Raj Sisodia: Take Time to Bring Your Presence to Work - by Nina O'Neil

February 23, 2018 2:42 PM | Deleted user

Often, we spend our workday on the go.  Moving from meeting to meeting, eating lunch at our desks, working on deadlines.  This puts us on overload and overdrive.

What if you took the time to slow down and created some space for yourself before walking into a meeting?  What if you gave yourself time to think and set your intentions for the outcomes you desired to accomplish?

Practicing mindfulness – even five minutes a day – is enough to make a difference.  You can actually change your brain.

Last fall, we hosted Raj Sisodia author, scholar, thought leader and co-founder of Conscious Capitalism, a series of events.  At the beginning of his lecture Raj helped bring the room to presence with this short Presence Practice.

Here is a recording of the practice that you can use before stepping into a meeting, at the start of your day or with your team before you begin a meeting together.

Let us know what results you see in the comments below.

For some further wisdom from Raj, listen to our latest episode of the Curious Conscious Capitalist.  Raj speaks about How Business Can Heal Our Bodies, Minds, Souls, and Planet.